Dues and Donations

Annual dues and any additional donations can be made to the Corporation through Venmo and Paypal using the instructions below.


Venmo transactions can be made to @Acacia-Fraternity-13

Cash App

Cash App transactions can be made to $AcaciaCornell


From the Paypal dashboard select “Send”.
Paypal Instruction - Dashboard To Send Money

Enter AcaciaCorpBoard@cornell.edu for the email to send money to.
Paypal Instructions - Entering the Acacia Corp Board as the Recipient

Enter the amount that you would like to send.
Paypal Instructions - Entering the Amount to Send

Select “Sending to a friend”. If “Paying for an item or service” is selected, please change it to “Sending to a friend”. This saves us the transaction fee that is normally charged when sending money through Paypal.
Paypal Instructions - Selecting Send to Friend 1
Paypal Instructions - Selecting Send to Friend 2

Click “Send Payment Now”.